Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions

Vinyasa Flow
Move. Breathe. Get Strong.

A dynamic practice, seamlessly bringing together yoga poses, breathe, and intention. Sheena's vinyasa flow classes have an emphasis on alignment, efficient movement, anatomy, yoga philosophy, and finding ease and focus while doing something challenging. Modifications are given so each practitioner can set their own intensity level. Get your move on!
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Gentle Yoga
Slow Down. Stretch. Connect.

A slower paced practice with importance placed on having ample time to breathe fully in postures, kindly caring for the body with lower intensity postures, gratitude for one's efforts, and acknowledgement of what is. Sheena's gentle yoga classes are a favorite amongst her students!
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Yin Yoga
 Be Still. Awaken. Surrender.

 A beautiful, deep practice that illustrates acceptance, surrender, and longevity. Seated and reclined postures are held for 1-5 minutes in order to access and effect change in the connective tissues of the body, such as fascia and bone. Props are often used to allow the muscles to release and to provide support for the body as it yields to gravity. Yin Yoga is a great practice for restoring health and resilience in the joints. 
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Soften. Find Ease. Recharge.

A cozy, gentle practice designed to bring deep rest and relaxation to the body and mind. This practice utilizes the use of props to support the body, encouraging a balancing effect on the nervous system. We spend a luxurious amount of time in each pose. If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just need some time for yourself, this is a must do practice! Grab your bolsters & blankets, dim the lights and get ready to restore yourself!
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Tennis Ball Tune Up & Stretch
Massage. Unwind. Lengthen. 

This practice offers you the chance to learn a bit more about yourself, anatomy, and possible holding patterns or habits that may have developed over the years. We use therapy balls to massage out the body using specific techniques. This methodical class is great if you experience nagging muscle tension and pain in key areas like shoulders, neck, hips, low back, etc. We close out with a few stretches of areas worked previously with the therapy balls. You will need a therapy ball, tennis or, lacrosse ball to do this practice. 
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