Blog Layout

Welcome to MY BLOG. 
Did you know blog is short for Weblog (Web-log)

I've never considered myself particularly creative, artsy, and at the very least, a writer of any kind. Although I do enjoy journaling occasionally or dabbling with silly poems here and there, it takes quite a bit to move me to sit down in front of a screen and type. When my web developer mentioned the word "blog" to me, I literally growled back at him and experienced an influx of overwhelm. There's a small chance I may have even rolled my of my body's seemingly uncontrollable go-to's when I'm annoyed or somewhat pissed off (just ask my husband, he's seen it a time or two!). This is often my reaction to something that is so far out of my comfort zone I don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole. 

What would I have to say? Who am I to say it? Who would listen? And why? 

These are some of the obstacles that entered my mind when the forbidden word "blog" was used in the same sentence as my name. Not only did I feel like I didn't have the expressive capacity to create a blog, but I had no idea technologically speaking how to do it. Enter, another eye roll. As a rule, technical projects that take more than say 5-10 minutes, I hand off to someone else. I avoid it like the coronavirus (maybe it's too soon to go there, but I did) and reassign the task, washing my hands of it (literally!) Ha!

So....I set the evil blog suggestion on the back burner for several days to simmer. And simmer it did. Over the next week, I found myself thinking "I'd love to share this with my yoga students" more than a few times. An article on meditation, a short video knee pain during a lunge, or even a quick, new smoothie recipe that pepped me up for my morning commute (which is currently just down the hall and into our guest bedroom where I Livestream). I found myself wanting to share these things not because they were interesting to me, but because I felt they could genuinely help people succeed on their paths and positively affect their well being and day to day life. I needed an outlet to share these informational nuggets, other than just a quick overview before or during a yoga class or in a long winded email. 

Pandemic strikes. I find myself doing things I never thought I would. Teaching yoga through a screen where I can't see or hear any of my students while we practice, wondering if I'll even practice dentistry again this year, wiping down $300 worth of groceries with Clorox wipes, and celebrating my brothers birthday without actually being able to hug or go near him. While being home by myself for hours on end I've had moments of comfort and personal growth and I've had moments of utter confusion, discouragement, and sadness. It's been interesting and boring, it's been positive and negative, it's given me time to ramp up and be active and time to slow down and chill. There's always a delicate balance at play. This blog idea snuck up on me and I think it will provide me with a little Yin to my Yang. 

I've decided to put my mental obstacles aside, tackle the technology and start this blog for the simple purpose of sharing. To give you a few options and tools to feel great and make navigating this human life perhaps a bit smoother. To share some ideas and practices that have be insightful or helpful to me. That's it. Nothing fancy or scholarly. You won't see A+ grammar or perfectly flowing sentences. The technology aspect will hopefully evolve, but in the mean time please bear with me. What you can expect are blog posts relating to yoga, health, life, food, fun, and quite possibly a cat picture or two. As I'm sure your inbox and perhaps your brain is crowded like mine, I will only share what I feel is helpful, relevant, and inspiring. Take it or leave it, pass or share it. What matters to me is that you know I'm thinking of you and your happiness often and would like to drop you a line once in a while. I wish you all the best on your path. Thanks for sharing your yoga journey with me! 

Xo, Sheena 

I am pieces of all the places I have been, and the people I have loved. I've been stitched together by song lyrics, book quotes, adventure, late night conversations, moonlight, and the smell of coffee ~ Brooke Hampton
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